Thursday 9 September 2010

Bishop Daniel Balais


  1. Man's Purpose is to know personally and have an intimate relationship with the God of Israel, our Abba Father in heaven

    and to make God, the Son (Jesus Christ or Yeshua Hamaschiach) known

    through the power of God, the Holy Spirit

    by proclaiming salvation solely by grace alone (Sola Gratia),

    justified through faith alone (Sola Fide),

    in Christ's alone (Solo Christo),

    based on the Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura),

    the Authorized Bible (King James Version) and

    all to the glory of God alone (Soli Deo Gloria).

  2. Many people do not realize the danger of eternally loosing their souls while the world is clamouring to save the earth from pollution, corruption, extinction, etc.

    Slogans like these, "Save the Eagles," "Save the Trees," "Save the Rivers," and the lists could go on and on.

    However, man forgot the most important thing of all. Who will save him/her from the fires of Hell?

    Will he/she be spending eternity in Heaven when he/she dies?

    Was he/she taking his/her life for granted or was he/she taking his/her life seriously and doing the will of God?

    What preparation are you doing now in case you stand before our Creator and give an account of the way we lived our lives?

    Remember, when the angels sinned, God never provided a Saviour for them. But when man sinned, God provided a Saviour in the person of His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Truly, God loves you.

